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  1. 1- The teacher/School Manager or Principal, is required to liase with all parents/guardians of students less than 18 years of age at the start of term to ensure all relevant forms are signed.

  2. 2 - Membership is not valid / active until all enrolment, direct debits and T & C forms have been completed fully and signed by the parent/guardian/adult and authorised by WHAM Theatre School Management. Any parent/adult/guardian and student may be turned away from the school if the satisfactory paperwork hasn't been completed after a number of fair requests made to supply the information requested.

  3. 3 -Students should arrive promptly and attend classes regularly to help improve technique and ability.  Consistent lateness will affect your child's progression, and any student arriving later than 15 minutes may be denied entrance to the class, unless under mitigating circumstances.

  4. 4 - We offer a trial session to all new students. However,  we are under no obligation to secure or promise students places if our classes are full. We reserve the right to place students onto a waiting list only if full enrolment has taken place (in which you also have no obligation to accept if sufficient time has passed since applying).

  5. 5 - Students should be appropriately dressed and ready for class. This includes having long hair tied back and all jewelry removed. Earrings that can not be removed should be taped over.

  6. 6 - Students must wear the appropriate foot wear and uniform for class as advised by us. Any student deemed to be wearing unsuitable footwear or clothing will participate in bare feet or may be asked to sit out to prevent injury.

  7. 7 - Students are expected to attend weekly, and any absences must be reported to the Principal. Severe lack of attendance may result in students not being included in external opportunities or showcases if their progression is deemed unsatisfactory by the teacher or Principal.

  8. 8 - It is important to drink fluids at regular intervals during physical exercise. Please pack plenty of fluids for your child.

  9. 9 - We have a strict no sweets or chewing gum policy during class time. If teachers hand sweets out at the end of term they are to be taken home unless stated otherwise by the teacher.

  10. 10 - Parents/Students should inform the teacher of any injuries they/their child may have before class.  If under 18 years of age a note or email to the teacher/manager/principal must be presented/sent prior to the class informing us of the injury.

  11. 11 - Parents/Guardians of students less than 18 years of age are not permitted to stay and watch classes unless invited by the Principal during a taster session or during an open class arranged by the teacher.

  12. 12 - During class, students are expected to listen and we discourage unnecessary talking. If a student is causing disruption, they may be asked to sit out or leave the lesson.

  13. 13 - Physical contact maybe necessary when helping to demonstrate or correct technique or posture. (Please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy)

  14. 14 - Our staff are not permitted to give students lifts in their car unless written permission has been given by their parent/carer and has been arranged prior to the lift required. (Please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy)

  15. 15 - All children / students must be confident in using WC Facilities independently. We are prohibited to assist children physically when going to the toilet under our Insurance & Child Protection Policy. If your child requires extra support, please email us immediately on so we can find a solution

  16. 16 - Students under 13 years old are not allowed to leave any of our venues unless accompanied by an adult, and even if 13, must have parental permission to do so.

  17. 17 - Please DO NOT send your child with expensive devices or belongings. We cannot accept the responsibility for items lost or stolen items although anything we do find will be placed in our lost property.

  18. 18 - Alcohol, Smoking or the influence of illegal or recreational substances is strictly prohibited at any of our locations, events or venues related to WHAM Theatre Schools. Any substance deemed to be dangerous to a student may result in a report being filed under the t & c's of our Child Protection Policy.

  19. ​




I give consent for my child ,as a Wham Theatre School Student, to be filmed,recorded (including audio) or photographed anonymously in class/shows for WHAM Theatre Schools’ marketing purposes (Including social media and print). The only times this may not be anonymous is if a child receives a commendation or is recognised for achievements & progression i.e. (Social Media Updates). 


Parents/Guardians/Responsible Adults grant WHAM Theatre Schools permission for the above and are responsible for notifying us, in writing, if they wish to revoke this media consent.

If the media release is revoked after media has been used as outlined above, the Parent/Guardian/Responsible Adult may be charged for the cost of it's replacement in WHAM Theatre School's branding / intellectual property. 


By not agreeing to this clause, we are unable to provide you with video progression updates by recordings & performances, and your child will be unable to appear in any Films the students may take part in for events, workshops or online screenings. WHAM Theatre Schools upholds the highest safeguarding standards to protect it’s students & customers.





  • 19 - These instructions need to be followed in order to submit payments & therefore remain on the class register.

  • 20 -  Our payments are calculated annually as per local authority school term dates (with the exception of Summer Holidays) and payable in easy, monthly instalments via direct debit, with a discount for termly payments.


  • 21 - The Student membership is a minimum of 2 months. You must pay the monthly membership subscription by Direct Debit via GoCardless (or any other payment gateway appointed by WHAM Theatre Schools) for the minimum membership period unless your membership is terminated without liability, suspended or transferred in accordance with these terms.


  • 22 - 5% sibling discount is only applied to the youngest sibling, and the Primary Student must be the oldest within the family attending WHAM Theatre Schools. Sibling Discount is suspended during pandemics and financial issues with the economy. 

  • 23 - Class Fees are collected in advance, Half Termly. These sessions are consecutive, and cannot be carried over due to absence,illness and missed classes.

  • 24 - Termly Offer Discounts & Sibling Discount cannot be used in conjuction with each other. Sibling Discount is only valid when a Family/Parent/Guardian/Adult enrols more than one child to WHAM Theatre Schools. 


  • 25 - WHAM Theatre Schools reserves the right to change the day, time and location of the sessions. Should this be restrictive to attendance the minimum notice period will be waived.


  • 26 - We reserve the right to change fees or our timetable without prior notice. However, we will endeavour to inform of any changes as soon as possible.


  • 27 - Fees are to be paid prior to or at the first class of the term. Failure to pay fees on time may result in students being unable to participate in class. Late payment notifications of £5 will be issued to anyone with outstanding payments. Your membership is not active until the direct debit mandate has been completed either by hand, via GoCardless or using any online form that WHAM may provide to you in order to supply these details. The direct debit MUST be collected/requested by our system before your child can start in their chosen class.


  • 28 - Payments made that fail to clear will result in a charge of £5 added to the payment in order to cover penalties charged to us from the bank. Detail of charges can be found on your invoice.We will not be able to accept any further payments from that student for the remainder of the term.


  • 29 - We will not refund any classes cancelled due to absence, illness, venue unavailability or adverse weather conditions, however where possible participants from such classes cancelled may be invited to attend another class or we will make the session up where possible.







Staff and tutors of the school deserve to be treated with respect. Aggressive or discriminatory behavior towards staff by students or parents will not be tolerated and will result in the expulsion of the student from classes or barring of the parent from the premises.


Complaints should be directed in the first instance in writing to a Manager or Principal and will not be handled at class/session times where staff maybe unavailable to discuss any concerns, due to their main responsibility to teach and duty of care to all students. 








If parents/adults/guardians are on our old monthly payment system prior to 19/1/22, then one full month's further notice is required to terminate membership and can only be given in e-mailing 


When providing notice, you are required to make one further payment equivalent to the monthly fee. The time of receipt (not sending) shall be the time of commencement of the notice period.




For parents / adults / guardians on our Half Termly System (as of 19/1/22), you are required to give notice by the last session in that half term period. Your next set of fees will be collected & an invoice generated the week after we break up. See example below:


  • Students Break Up on Friday 16th December 2022 (Autumn Half Term 2)

  • Invoice for Spring Half Term 1 (2023) will be generated & fees collected by Direct Debit on Monday 19th December 2023


  • Visit WHAM TS on Facebook!

© 2018 V2. 

WHAM THEATRE SCHOOLS | 0800 689 4205

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