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As per the government guidelines, we are required to implement certain measures to minimise the risk of transmitting COVID-19.


A full risk assessment has been completed for WHAM Theatre Schools. This document has recapped the most important topics for parents/guardians in relation to re-opening WHAM Theatre Schools.





As per the government guidelines, all WHAM venues have installed adequate measures to protect members of the public and it’s hirers.


These include:


  • Creating rectangles on the ground to encourage a segregated entrance / exit in the lobby, which will form a one-way system.

  • Hand Sanitiser stations in every room

  • Suitable ventilation in the main hall

  • A designated WC for WHAM Theatre Schools

  • A designated Isolation area for infection control

  • A designated COVID-19 First Aid Kit

  • A standard First Aid Kit

  • COVID-19 Related Signage & Instructions

  • COVID-19 Secure Status






The WHAM team are required to prepare/clean before, during and after our classes at the venue. This will include:

  • Ensuring the building is ventilated for a minimum of 15 minutes before classes start

  • Cleaning door & window handles, surfaces, floors, toilets, walls (and anything else required) between classes, allowing a 15 minute period to change over students.

  • Only using our own equipment (such as our own Stereo and Standard First Aid Kits) which will be sanitised before, during and after each session.

  • Staff washing their hands before, during and after the session as well as using Hand Sanitiser

  • Completing a cleaning record for the venue; as well as ensuring bins are emptied before and after the classes run. The hall will be cleaned prior to our arrival by the venue site team





  • Upon arrival, each student must wash their hands for 20 seconds / use hand sanitiser before the class starts and after the class finishes. They will be required to do this before entering the hall, and upon departing the venue.  A “one in, one out” system will be used to support social distancing.

  • Students must attend WHAM already in clothing suitable for physical activity. In order to prevent the risk of infection, there are no changing facilities available at the venue.

  • All students MUST bring their own water bottles / drinks with them and ensure that they do not share these with each other class members.

  • Students must refrain from sharing of any items such as mobile phones or accessories with other members of the class

  • Students must not bring large items, large bags, or unnecessary items into the hall. This can take up space, as well as expose an infection risk.

  • 2 members of staff will be present at each WHAM Session to assist with students who experience difficulty with hand washing procedures.

  • In the event that any student shows symptoms of COVID-19, they will be asked to wait in the ventilated isolation area (with a member of staff using PPE measures) until a parent/guardian/adult can collect them. Our staff members will ensure they are kept calm, (along with safeguarding their mental wellbeing) during what could be considered as a traumatic experience.






  • Upon arrival, all parents / students must wait for a staff member to instruct them to enter the premises. Parents / Guardians / Responsible Adults are not prohibited to enter the building. Students are to be dropped off at the door by their responsible adult. Students will then be asked to wash/sanitise their hands on their way to the main teaching hall/studio.

  • All parents /guardians/ adults students, are kindly asked to remain at a 1m+ distance from other families / students outside the building during drop off & collection (where possible). This is to adhere with social distancing requirements.

  • When the class has finished, a staff member will guide students out of the building one-by-one to their designated parent/guardian/adult.

  • Due to our strict schedule between classes, we must stress that punctuality when collecting students must be considered. To prevent further risk of infection, we may ask students to wait in the isolation area / outside the venue if a parent/guardian/adult is late.

  • As per government guidelines, when planning your journey to & from class, it is advised that you avoid travelling on/limit the amount of time spent on public transport (if possible).





  • As per our risk assessment, all students will be equally spaced at 2m (where possible) with a minimum of 1m+ apart, using dance floor spots or tape as a guide.

  • The WHAM Team will also remain at 1m+ apart from students and other parents/adults/guardians (except in a medical emergency / if a student requires first aid treatment)

  • First Aid: If the 1m+ social distancing rule needs to lapse due a medical condition, designated First Aiders will wear Face Masks, Gloves and Aprons where possible.






The term “Musical Theatre” refers to all 3 Disciplines; Acting/Dancing/Singing. Due to the guidance & restrictions in place, we cannot operate all 3 at once under the current format.


Therefore, this means that:


  • Partner Work/Pas de Deux will be paused until further notice (unless social distancing can be enforced)

  • Indoor Group Singing will be paused temporarily, and will be reviewed in September/October 2020 (or when government guidance has been updated). However, this restriction will work perfectly with our Framework, promoting Musical Theatre Jazz first so that confidence can be built first, for those who are shy/new to singing.  If singing is re-introduced, this will be undertaken whilst facing in one direction (not a circle), with a minimum of 3m between each person

     **Home vocal workouts can be provided to students who wish to practice at home **

  • Private Singing Lessons are deemed as high risk under COVID-19 prevention guidelines. One to One Sessions can be carried out online with no restrictions. A risk assessment has been completed for face-to-face singing lessons, so please contact us if you have any enquiries relating to booking a lessons.

  • Minor Script work may be carried out to complete Excerpts/Scenes recreation; as long vocal projection during in any class activity is kept to a minimum.

  • Props in class will not be used in immediately, and will be reviewed 4 weeks after we return. If props / shared equipment must be used, these will be sanitised prior to and after the class. Alternatively, parents may be asked to provide props themselves (if they wish to) and sharing between students will be prohibited.





  • If, for any reason, a student is deemed vulnerable or at risk from attending sessions, the responsible parent/guardian/adult must decide whether the class is suitable for them to attend under the current circumstances.

  • Between the parent/guardian/adult and The Principal/Manager, a risk assessment can be produced to decide on whether WHAM classes are deemed safe for vulnerable students.




As per Government Guidelines, and our risk assessment, we will be operating at a maximum of 15 students per class. Our capacity calculator confirms the maximum amount of students (each venue is different)



However, for the first 2 to 4 weeks of classes, we will be trialling at a lower capacity than the maximum number of spaces for our WHAM classes.








  • We must operate a “bubble” system (in the same way Primary Schools are at present) as per our risk assessment / Government Guidelines.  A “bubble” refers to a class/group of up to 15 children and are taught by dedicated team members of that school/establishment.

  • Each Class will form as a separate “Bubble”, i.e. WHAM Bamz are one bubble, and WHAM Juniors & Mids are another bubble. Fortunately, our model means that these classes do not need to mix. The only exception is if a student needs to move up to the next class, providing there is adequate student availability.








In the event of a further COVID-19 outbreak, (resulting in venues having to close) replacements will be offered in the form of an Online Class, or pre-recorded video. As per our T & C’s, no refunds will be provided in this instance.





Our standard membership T & C’s still apply. These can be viewed here.


If you have any further questions, or concerns, please contact us on

  • Visit WHAM TS on Facebook!

© 2018 V2. 

WHAM THEATRE SCHOOLS | 0800 689 4205

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